Robotics and ROS 2 Learn by Doing! Manipulators

  • Robotics and ROS 2 Create a Real Robot.
  • Mastering ROS2, the last version of the Robot Operating System
  • Robotics Theory
  • Use Alexa to actuate the Robot
  • Programming Arduino for Robotics Applications


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What you’ll learn

  • Robotics and ROS 2 Create a Real Robot.
  • Mastering ROS2, the last version of the Robot Operating System
  • Robotics Theory
  • Use Alexa to actuate the Robot
  • Programming Arduino for Robotics Applications
  • Create a Digital Twin
  • Simulate the robot in Gazebo
  • Robot Kinematics
  • Trajectory Planning with MoveIt 2
  • Use the ros2_control library
  • Master Rviz2


  • Basic knowledge of Python or C++
  • Basic knowledge of Linux
  • No prior knowledge of ROS or ROS 2 required
  • No prior knowledge of Robotics theory required
  • No hardware required. All the course can be followed also using only the PC


  • Would you like to learn Robotics and ROS 2 , the second and last version of Robot Operating System by building a real robot?
  • The philosophy of this course is the Learn by Doing and quoting the American writer and teacher Dale Carnegie
  • Learning is an Active Process. We learn by doing, only knowledge that is used sticks in your mind.
  • In order for you to master the concepts covered in this course and use them in your projects or, why not, also in your future job.
  • I will guide you through the learning of all the functionalities of ROS both from the theoretical and practical point of view.
  • Each section is composed of three parts:
  • Theoretical explanation of the concept and functionality
  • Usage of the concept in a simple Practical example
  • Application of the functionality in a real Robot
  • I almost forgot! We need one more, essential and exciting part of this course for your active learning!
  • ExperimentDevelop and Test your ideas in the Robot (real or simulated in your PC)
  • In each Section of the course, I’ll introduce you a new concept and then we will use it to add new functionalities to the robot:


Introduction to the Course

  • Setup the Environment: Install Ubuntu and ROS Noetic
  • Introduction to ROS: What is ROS and why is so important in Robotics.
  • Create the first ROS node
  • ROS Publisher/Subscriber
  • Digital Twin: Use a simulator to develop and test the functionalities of the Robotics and ROS 2 without the need of any hardware device
  • URDF
  • Gazebo
  • Parameters
  • RViz2
  • Launch Files
  • Control: How to create a Control System for Robot actuators
  • Timer
  • Services
  • ros2_control
  • Kinematics: Use the package MoveIt! for the Trajectory Planning
  • TF2
  • MoveIt! 2
  • Application: Interface and make available all the functionalities of the robot to other software to create more complex applications and functionalities
  • Actions
  • Alexa: Use the Alexa Voice Assistant to actuate the robot with the voice
  • Build the Robot: Build the real robot and migrate all the functionalities from a simulated robot to a real one
  • Arduino IDE
  • Serial Communication
  • Conclusion and Summary of the course


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