Rocky Biped-Humanoid

Rocky Biped-Humanoid Utilizing our 20+ years of experience, we’re solving one of the biggest challenges in business – remote labor.


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  • Rocky Biped-Humanoid Utilizing our 20+ years of experience, we’re solving one of the biggest challenges in business – remote labor.
  • We’re creating a telepresence (remote) operation robot for work in remote locations.
  • Dangerous/dirty environments, even outdoors, including oil rigs.
  • Rocky Biped-Humanoid Datacenters, manufacturing facilities, industrial plants, and pipelines.
  • LiDAR’s high-resolution, 3D scanning technology provides more accurate information about the environment.
  • Improving navigation and increases the ability to locate objects.
  • Choose between three hand types: gripper hand, 5-finger hand, and a dexterous hand.
  • Multiple remote options varying from keyboard, tablet, and joystick with varying levels of mobility.
  • Rocky Biped-Humanoid Provide audio and visual communications to and from the robot.
  • Illuminate dark environments with high-powered LED spotlights next to camera or mounted to the base.
  • Extend the time your robot can work with interchangeable batteries.
  • The robot will have the ability to automatically dock itself to a charging station.
  • Connect to your robot via ethernet, Wi-Fi, or Satellite.
  • Rocky Biped-Humanoid Pull levers, toggle switches, push buttons, and even open doors remotely.
  • Lift loads of 60+ pounds and carry them across the room, or add them to a cart and push it across the entire facility.
  • Log into a robot remotely and quickly troubleshoot potential issues in data center and other remote locations.
  • Allow workers to complete dangerous tasks from a safe location and make tasks accessible to a wider range of workers.
  • One operator can remotely control multiple robots in different locations across the globe throughout a single shift.
  • Rocky Biped-Humanoid One operator can remotely control multiple robots in different locations across the globe throughout a single shift.

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