Artificial Intelligence (ARS): Build the Most Powerful AI

  • Build an AI Artificial Intelligence (ARS).
  • Understand the theory behind augmented random search algorithm
  • Learn how to build most powerful AI algorithm


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What you’ll learn

  • Build an AI Artificial Intelligence (ARS).
  • Understand the theory behind augmented random search algorithm
  • Learn how to build most powerful AI algorithm
  • Train and implement ARS algorithm
  • Train AI to solve same challenges as Google Deep Mind


  • Python prior coding or scripting experience is required.
  • High school level math skills will be required.
  • PC (Windows, Mac or Linux), where Anaconda could be installed and run.


  • Two months ago we discovered that a very new kind of AI Artificial Intelligence (ARS) was invented.
  • The kind of AI which is based on a genius idea and that you can build from scratch and without the need for any framework.
  • We checked that out, we built it, and… the results are absolutely insane also!
  • This game-changing AI called Augmented Random Search, ARS for short also.
  • And in a very simple implementation, it is able to do an exact same thing that Google Deep Mind did in their accomplishment last year.
  • Which is to train an AI to walk and run across a field.
  • However, ARS is 100x times faster and 100x times more powerful.
  • Be prepared for the most significant tech challenges of the 21st century also.
  • No need for sophisticated algorithms and frameworks also.
  • What Facebook or Google spent on millions or even more , you can literally do at home!
  • You will be able to compete with multi-billion dollars companies also.
  • Change the world on your own within months or even weeks also.
  • Build the most powerful AI that anyone has ever built also
  • Get your hands on Artificial Intelligence (ARS) also.
  • Build the Most Powerful AI
  • You will learn, build and implement the most powerful AI Artificial Intelligence (ARS)model at home.
  • Compete with multi-billion dollars companies using ARS.

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone interested in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning or Deep Learning



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