Advanced Therapy Rehabilitation Robotic Gloves: SIFROBOT-9.2 combines soft robotic technology and neuroscience to help patients with dysfunctional hands, promote the recovery of brain nerve injury, improve hand activity ability to restore self-care ability through repetitive task training.



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  • Mirror Training: The healthy hand drives the affected hand, synchronizes the movement of both hands, activates the mirror neurons, copies the normal health hand motor neural pathway to the affected hand, promotes the automatic recovery of the and speeds up the rehabilitation process of hand function.
  • Active use of task-oriented training with stroke survivors will lead to improvements in functional outcomes and overall health-related quality of life.
  • The robotic gloves can capture the weak active conscious movements of the affected hand, then assists the hand to complete the active movement by providing robotic assistance. The robot can capture the weak active conscious movements of the affected hand, then assists the hand to complete the active movement by providing robotic assistance.
  • Active games training: is a useful tool that therapists can use to engage with their patients, make rehabilitation fun and exciting, and has the potential to improve compliance rates and thereby improve the functional outcome of these patients.

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