Artificial Intelligence Ethics & Societal Challenges

  • Artificial Intelligence Ethics, Add this credential to your LinkedIn profile, resume, or CV.
  • Share it on social media and in your performance review.

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Artificial Intelligence Ethics & Societal Challenges

Earn a career certificate

  • Artificial Intelligence Ethics , Add this credential to your LinkedIn profile, resume, or CV.
  • Share it on social media and in your performance review.

There are 4 modules in this course

  • Artificial Intelligence Ethics & Societal Challenges is a four-week course that explores ethical and societal.
  • Aspects of the increasing use of artificial intelligent technologies (AI).
  • The aim of the course is to raise awareness of ethical and societal aspects of AI and to stimulate reflection.
  • And discussion upon implications of the use of AI in society.
  • The course consists of four modules where each module represents about one week of part-time studies.
  • A module includes a number of lectures and readings.
  • Each lesson finishes with a mandatory assignment in which you write a short sum-up of the most important new knowledge/insight.
  • You gained from this lesson, and review a lesson sum-up written by another student/participant.
  • The assessments are intended to encourage learning and to stimulate reflection on ethical and societal issues of the use of Artificial Intelligence Ethics in society.
  • Participating in forum discussions is voluntary but strongly encouraged.
  • In the first module, we will discuss algorithmic bias and surveillance.
  • Is it really true that algorithms are purely logical and free from human biases or are they maybe just as biased as we are.


  • And if they are, why is that and what can we do about it?
  • AI in many ways makes surveillance more effective.
  • But what does it mean to us if we are increasingly being watched in more and more sophisticated ways?
  • Next, we will talk about the impact of AI on democracy.
  • We discuss why democracy is important, and how AI could hamper public democratic discussion.
  • But also how it can help improve democracy.
  • We will for instance talk about how social media could play in the hands of authoritarian regimes.
  • And present some ideas on how to make use of Artificial Intelligence Ethics tools to develop the functioning of democracy.


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